To see people living the principles of the kingdom of God, with a commitment to reflect Jesus in every area of their lives, bringing transformation to their environment.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and puts his trust in him. He shall be like a tree planted by the water, which spreads out its roots toward the stream; it does not fear lest heat come, and its leaves are ever green. In time of drought, it is not distressed, and it never ceases to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8

Raising Parents to build their homes

This ministry began when we realized that in order to achieve a comprehensive transformation in the community, we needed to work with the whole family, not just the children. So, in 2014, we started a weekly Bible study for adults. The group has a time of worship and Bible teaching. We also enjoy a cup of coffee together and play games to break the ice and lift the burden of life with a good dose of fun.

Our vision is to bring hope and light into the lives of the attendees, affirming their identity as a holy people through faith in Jesus Christ.